To us, there’s nothing better than creating a space that inspires people to do their best. 

In fact, DROP Structures was founded on the idea.

We’ve constructed hundreds of prefab buildings to help our customers create their perfect atmosphere – from off-grid backcountry huts to artistic spaces, backyard offices and beyond. 

It’s because of this continued, growing demand that we’ve found ourselves moving not once, but twice within the course of a year.

Just as we finished putting the last touches on our second office, business picked up and sent us searching for yet another, bigger space. 

The hunt for continual refinement 

One of the great things about refining these new spaces is that we get to re-think who we are, and how we go about carving out the perfect place for us to create. It’s simultaneously a break from our daily work of designing and building small spaces, and a path to stretch our minds in new ways that we can bring back to our everyday duties.

We’ve got big plans for our next shop, including a communal eating area, a big, beautiful office, and a fully-kitted construction space that will make building easier and more efficient.

We plan to share it with you once it’s complete, but it’s not quite there yet. But even half finished as it is, it’s a long way from our rather humble beginnings.

Our ‘secret’ first office

In some ways, that very first DROP Structure was our very first office, and we’d really like to stick to that as our official story. Because, our real first office was a glorified garage, with a tiny office space and a BBQ out back where we cooked our lunches.

“Looking back with rose colored glasses, it seems so quaint now, but it was never meant to be a long term solution for where we were headed. ”

It wasn’t much, and we preferred to keep pictures of it offline, but despite its aesthetic shortcomings, it was the perfect place for a scrappy little startup.

Looking back with rose colored glasses, it seems so quaint now, but it was never meant to be a long term solution for where we were headed. 

It constrained both our ability to grow and to interact with customers in a meaningful way. So, when business took off, we decided to invest money to create a new space that better reflected who we were and what we wanted to create for our team.

Our second office, growing pains and all

The move from the first office coincided with a busy time for DROP Structures, so it took a long time to get the space just right.

“Then, on our off hours, we would gather together to dream about where we could take the space next, and slowly pick away at each project.”

Originally, the front office area was largely unfinished, giving us a blank canvas to work. While the front was unremarkable, it was the larger work area in the back bay that drew us to the place. With more room to build, we got to work immediately, building new Monos, Duo and Minis for all our clients.

Then, on our off hours, we would gather together to dream about where we could take the space next, and slowly pick away at each project.

Too big for our britches

As we dreamed, we built a Xanadu in our minds that we were, unfortunately, unable to fully complete. However, what we did accomplish was a huge step up from our original home in the rather dreary shop.

Together, we built two office spaces, a kitchen/eating area, a communal area with music and a loft that felt like home. The only thing that followed us from the old office was our first ‘boardroom’ table we made using scaffolding and tongue and groove plywood.

Originally, we planned to be in that ‘new’ office for years, but the work came quickly and we started hiring – again. Soon, the shop and offices were overflowing, and the communal area was overflowing with inventory we had nowhere else to put.

Third time’s a charm: creating a space of our own

Through this journey, from a glorified garage to a custom-built office and beyond, we’ve learned so much. Combine that with what we’ve learned from constructing DROP Structures and the feedback and collaboration with our clients, and we think we’re ready to take on this next office project to create a space that will become a haven for both intellectual and physical creativity.

And, more importantly, we’re ready to grow into a space where each member of the DROP Structures family can feel like they belong – like they have the space to thrive, as they should.

“Instead, we’ll take our time and build out the perfect space, just like we try to do with every single DROP Structure we build.”

That means housing quiet office areas where our front shop staff can get work done; a massive construction area for the build crew; and areas where we can all just enjoy each other’s company – and probably a fireman's pole )because who hasn’t dreamt of having a fireman's pole?).

It would be so much easier if we could just buy a new office and get it delivered, but that’s just not an option for us.

Instead, we’ll take our time and build out the perfect space, just like we try to do with every single DROP Structure we build.

A story told through design

We believe strongly, as ever, that design shapes our lives in important and often unrealized ways. It’s why we started this company in the first place, and it’s why we continue to refine our current designs and create new ones as we learn more about our clients and what people desire. 

This process, moving from building to building, only serves to solidify this belief, and convince us that while a Mono may not change the world, it can change someone’s world. 

And, that’s a great feeling.

P.S. Yes, we still have our secret office’s original table – and we’ll keep it for years to come. There’s too much history there just to let go of it.


